
The timing of artificial insemination relies largely on behavioral observation of estrus. The problemfaced is that not all cattle shows signs of estrus significantly, which affect the accuracy of insemination,and therefore,the success rate of Artificial Insemination is less than 50%. Recently, the determination ofestradiol levels as an indicator of estrus is done by observation of physical signs and doing ELISA test,which is expensive and provide longer time. In order to solve these problems, a tool estrus detector is madenamely Electronic Nose (EN). Determination of estrus with EN is cheaper because it does not need to usecomplexmaterials, just only use the samples. Mechanism of action of EN is using a sensor that is vaporized,while animals estrus will emit pheromones that are vaporized. Theaim of this study was to determinewhether the stage of estrus can be detected by using EN. Urine of female Ongole Crossbred which maintainedin Kuwang, district of Cangkringan, Yogyakarta, with BCS of 3 was used in this research. The sample wascollected shortly before injection of dinoprost as estrus synchronization then it repeated when cattle got estrus phase. The urinary sample of the estrus cattle was sensitive to methane, propane, butane, whereasin non-estrus cattle, besides the three of these component (methane, propane, butane), sensor was alsocaptured hydrogen sulfide. Furthermore, our electronic nose had been able to distinguish estrus phase andnon-estrus based on domain area.Thus, the Electronic Nose is very prospect used as a detector of estrus incattle. Hydrogen disulfide could possibly be used as an indicator comparison between cow estrus and nonestrus.


  • Salah satu keberhasilan program inseminasi buatan (IB) pada sapi adalah ketepatan dalam menentukan awal estrus sehingga waktu optimal kawin dapat ditentukan

  • The problem faced is that not all cattle shows signs of estrus significantly, which affect the accuracy of insemination, and,the success rate of Artificial Insemination is less than 50%

  • The determination of estradiol levels as an indicator of estrus is done by observation of physical signs and doing Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) test, which is expensive and provide longer time

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Penelitian mengggunakan sapi yang berada di Dusun Kuwang, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, sedangkan pengujian EN dilakukan di Laboratorium MIPA jurusan Fisika, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah sebanyak 10 ekor sapi PO dengan nilai rataan tiga pada Body Condition Score (BCS) dan berumur sekitar tiga tahun dengan bobot badan 300-350 kg, dengan siklus estrus normal. Kandang yang digunakan berupa kandang individu yang dilengkapi dengan tempat pakan dan air minum yang terpisah. Dilakukan eksplorasi rektal untuk menentukan sapi dalam fase luteal. Sinkronisasi estrus hanya dilakukan pada sapi yang dalam kondisi fase luteal. Pengambilan urine sebanyak 5 mL dilakukan dua kali yakni sesaat sebelum sinkronisasi estrus dan pada saat sapi estrus. Tahap berikutnya membawa sampel ke Laboratorium MIPA Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk dilakukan pengukuran absorbansi sensor dengan EN. Absorbansi sensor ditunjukkan dengan adanya puncak di dalam grafik, sedangkan gambaran plateu menunjukkan bahwa sensor tidak dapat menyerap uap di dalam sampel

Pemeriksaan Sensor Menggunakan Sampel Urine
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