
Global warming will have a negative impact on biodiversity. In contrast, the increase of population in the world has an effect to the need of biological resources for food, industry, medicine, etc. Human activities in several sectors, such as energy, forestry, agriculture, husbandry, and waste create a greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effects are due to a rise of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrogen dioxide), PFCS (perfluorocarbon), HFCS (hydrofluoro- carbon), SF6 (sulfurhexafluoride), and H 2O (water vapor). Studies suggest that climate change may also cause the melting of polar ice- caps, rising sea levels, and a shift of season. Global climate change wiil also have a wide range of effects on human health, including a risk of infectious disease epidemics. Therefore, climate change is a seriously threat for the world and it is necessary to have a global agreement to combat the threat. In 2005, Kyoto Protocol was agreed and The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a the Kyoto Protocol’s mechanism aimed at helping industrialized countries meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets. The CDM is also meant to help developing countries achieve sustainable development, including facilitating the transfer and/ or development of low-emission technologies. Long term collective efforts are needed to combat and adapt with adverse effects of global warming, especially for the extinction of biological diversity.

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