The true teenager is the hope of a nation, the country will become strong if it has teenagers who are spiritually intelligent, intellectually and have a strong emotional. As the rapid development of the world makes changes in behavior in adolescents, but these changes are more likely to lead to negative activities rather than positive activities. Problems that often arise are usually related to sexuality issues, such as unwanted pregnancy, abortion, HIV / AIDS, and drug abuse. Adolescents with these behavioral deviations need a treatment and also get information about reproductive health for young women and men, need to organize a good future by leaving unwholesome behavior that can damage the future of adolescents. Going through adolescence far from deviant behavior would certainly be our common concern. Teenagers will not be able to walk on their own without the assistance of parents, the school, home and etc. Realizing this, the Community Service Study Program of the Midwifery Study Program at the Faculty of Health, Ngudi Waluyo University, felt responsible for facilitating adolescents to learn to understand and be able to practice healthy behaviors to become adolescents who had strong hopes for the nation. Community Service is carried out in 5 stages, namely the first phase of selecting active groups of students who are willing to be agents of change for GenRe / willing to be peer educators, the second stage of counseling and training of peer educators. The third stage of mentoring is increasing peer group skills in providing information to peers. Stage four peer educators independently socialize GenRe to peers. The Fifth stage evaluates the delivery of information from peer educators to their peers, explores the usefulness of the existence of peer educators, limitations and new things that arise when becoming a peer educator.Keywords: Generation planning, peer educators
Second stage of counseling and training of peer educators
The Fifth stage evaluates the delivery of information from peer educators to their peers, explores the usefulness of the existence of peer educators, limitations and new things that arise when becoming a peer educator
Pengaruh Pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi terhadap tingkat pengetahuan tentang pendewasaan usia perkawinan
WHO Batasan remaja adalah 10 hingga 19 tahun. Batasan usia remaja menurut Kementerian Kesehatan RI berdasarkan Undang-Undang RI no 35 tahun 2014 dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan no 25 tahun 2014 yaitu 10 sampai 18 tahun, sedangkan BKKBN sendiri membuat Batasan remaja antara usia 10 sampai 24 tahun dan belum menikah (BKKBN, 2017). Pendidik sebaya ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangsih yang banyak untuk memberikan informasi kepada teman sebayanya. Menyadari hal tersebut tim pengabdian masyarakat prodi Kebidanan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan merasa ikut bertanggung jawab untuk memfasilitasi remaja agar belajar memahami dan mampu mempraktekkan perilaku hidup sehat untuk menjadi remaja yang kuat harapan bangsa, atau menjadi GenRe. Pengabdian Masyarakat akan dilaksanakan di SMP N 24 Kota Semarang dengan jumlah siswa kelas VII 250, kelas VIII 250 dan kelas IX siswa kelas IX 244. Pengabdian ini akan dilaksanakan dalam 5 tahap yaitu Tahap Pertama pemilihan kelompok siswa yang aktif yang bersedia menjadi agen perubahan untuk GenRe/ menjadi pendidik sebaya, Tahap Kedua melaksanakan penyuluhan dan pelatihan terhadap pendidik sebaya. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap penyampaian informasi dari pendidik sebaya kepada teman sebayanya, menggali kebermanfaatan adanya pendidik sebaya, keterbatasan dan hal-hal baru yang muncul saat menjadi pendidik sebaya
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