
Online stress management training among junior high school male adolescents during school from home. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of an online stress management training program for male adolescents, between 12-15 years old, who are attending School from Home (SFH) due to pandemic COVID -19. Design of this research is a one-group design with three times measurement, which are pre-test, post-test, and a follow up, in a monthly interval between each measurement. The measurements are Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and BRIEF COPE. The online training program is conducted through video conferencing meetings twice a week. One session of the program takes 90 minutes. Research participants consists of 6 male adolescents. The discovered data is then analyzed through Friedman test to identify a significant mean score's differences on the utilized instruments after the program. The result shows significant decrease of stress level followed by the significant improvement of the use of adaptive coping strategy. So, online stress management training can be an effective program to help high school adolescents to lower down their stress level during school from home in Pandemic COVID-19.

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