Background: Quality Control can be used as a monitoring of the reliability of X-Ray Unit during the validity period of the Conformity Test Certificate. During the use of X-ray Unit, there is the potential for damage to components during the validity period of the certificate of passing the Compliance Test. If the X-Ray Unit Reliability Test is only carried out during the Compliance Test, then if there is a decrease in the quality and safety of the X-ray Unit it cannot be immediately known. This has the potential to endanger patients, radiation workers and the public. In Banyumas Regency, there are 80 Radiation Source Utilization Permits spread across 34 radiodiagnostic installation. Preliminary studies show that not all radiodiagnostic installation carry out routine X-ray machine reliability tests according to the Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1250/Menkes/SK/XII/2009 Tentang Pedoman Kendali Mutu (Quality Control) Peralatan Radiodiagnostik.
 Method: This research type is qualitative with survey of 20 radiodiagnostic installation using a questionnaire instrument. Quality control conducted periodically includes kVp accuracy test, linearity and reproducibility mA, exposure time accuracy test, tube leak test, collimator beam suitability test, collimator shutter efficiency test, collimator light strength test, HVL measurement, implementation of reject analysis program and availability and qualifications of quality control officers and availability of quality control equipment. Then the data will be grouped based on research objectives and presented descriptively.
 Result: From the results of data collection, 1 hospital did not have a quality control officer and 4 hospitals had a quality control officer with an educational background of Diploma IV in Radiology Engineering without any Radiology Equipment Quality Control training. Meanwhile, 15 hospitals have quality control officers with an educational background in the Medical Physics Undergraduate Program and have attended training in Quality Control of Radiology Equipment. Of the 20 hospital radiology installations, there were 7 hospitals that did not carry out the Reject Analysis Program. This was done with the assumption that Digital Radiography had been used in both the CR and DR modalities. A number of 13 hospitals continued to carry out the Reject Analysis Program even though they had used Digital Radiography. Of the 20 hospital radiology installations, there are 6 hospitals that independently carry out X-ray unit testing within the framework of a quality control program. However, only 1 hospital conducts regular testing. Testing is also limited to the accuracy of the collimator field and the strong light of the collimator. Fourteen hospitals did not carry out a quality control program independently but only carried out an X-ray unit calibration test once a year which was carried out by BPFK and an X-ray unit distributor company.
 Conclusion: The implementation of quality control of x-ray machines on a regular basis has not been carried out by all radiodiagnostic services, even though they already have quality control officers. One of the reasons is the availability of quality control equipment needed for testing and supervision of radiodiagnostic service management. The role of management of radiodiagnostic services is needed to overcome these problems.
 Keyword : Quality Control Programe, Compliance Test, X-Ray Unit
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