
Extracurricular activities have an important role in the process of strengthening the religious character of students. Students who have religious values will show good behavior towards Allah SWT, fellow humans, themselves and their surroundings. For the success of strengthening religious character, coaches of extracurricular activities are expected to be able to instill religious values. Therefore, in the implementation of extracurricular activities there is a strengthening of the religious character of students. In this study using a descriptive method by taking place at the Islamic Center Junior High School in Tangerang City. The informants in this study were the deputy principal, extracurricular coaches, and students of the Islamic Center Junior High School in Tangerang City. The data were collected by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study explain that the Implementation of Extracurricular Activities in Strengthening the Religious Character of Students at the Islamic Center Junior High School in Tangerang City 2020, namely the existence of a program of habituation of noble, spiritual and marawis morals. Extracurricular activities are carried out regularly and once a week. Strengthening the religious character of students at the Islamic Center Junior High School in Tangerang City is carried out by exemplary, learning, empowering and cultivating, praise and assessment.Â

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