
The present document contains details on the procedure for reviewing the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Biotechnology in the Agro-Industrial Complex and Sustainable Environmental Management”, organized at the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (NovSU).• The management system for the presentation of conference materials includes distribution of information materials – call for papers, invitation to publication; work with applications and materials for reports and publications, correspondence with authors; organization of the process of reviewing, proofreading, selection and preparation of articles for their inclusion in the collection.• The type of peer review: double blind peer review.• The number of applications received is 239, the number of materials sent for consideration is 215, the number of applications accepted is 172.• Acceptance rate (number of applications accepted / number of applications received X 100) is 72.• The average number of reviews per article is 1, the total number of attracted reviewers is 38.• Additional information on the peer review process:– all articles submitted for consideration have passed the peer review procedure in accordance with the standards of editorial ethics, with international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications and the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.– plagiarism, improper borrowing, attempts to circumvent plagiarism detection, verbatim copying and paraphrasing of one’s own work (self-plagiarism) without proper justification, copyright infringement are considered unacceptable practices.– the materials received were considered by the members of the program committee, the members of the organizing committee and by the heads of specialized departments of NovSU;– each reviewer has a scientific degree and is a recognized expert in the field;– based on the results of the peer review, a decision is made whether the article will be published;– upon completion of the review process, the materials prepared for publication according to the requirements of the journal are transferred to the publishing office. All articles will be published in the public domain in an international journal.Submission of articles to the collection of conference materials took place from February to June 2020. The articles were reviewed as they were submitted. The level of reviewers made it possible to carry out a high-quality review of submitted articles. Out of the 28 reviewers, 14 are Doctors of Science, 14 are Ph.D., and 5 hold executive positions in Agro-Industrial Complex. All reviewers have extensive experience in working with scientific literature, many have published articles on international platforms. Authors of each peer-reviewed article are candidates of sciences, authors of 15% of articles are Doctors of Sciences. Many authors have extensive experience writing articles for journals published on international platforms.• For inquiries please contact Dr. Oxana Fikhtner, Director of the Center for the Development of Publication Activity of NovSU (Oxana.Fikhtner@novsu.ru).

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