
All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.☐ Type of peer review: Single-blind / Double-blind / Triple-blind / Open / Other (please describe) double blind peer review☐ Conference submission management system: All the submitted materials, timely received by the conference e-mail conf-ieis@novsu.ru, were considered by the program organizing committee. The program committee identified the reviewers who received the authors’ articles through the conference email. Each article was submitted to two independent peer reviewers with a scientific degree who did not know the name of the author (or the names of authors) of the article being reviewed.All articles submitted for consideration have passed the peer review procedure in accordance with the standards of editorial ethics, with international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications and the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.Plagiarism, improper borrowing, attempts to circumvent plagiarism detection, verbatim copying and paraphrasing of one’s own work (self-plagiarism) without proper justification, copyright infringement is considered unacceptable practices.All articles that have passed the peer review procedure are original works that have not been previously published in other publications in their current or similar form; they have not been reviewed in other editions. Materials of low scientific level are not accepted for publication.☐ Number of submissions received: The number of applications received is 123, of which 87 were accepted for work, the acceptance rate (number of applications accepted / number of applications received X 100) was 70%.☐ Number of submissions sent for review: The number of applications received is 123☐ Number of submissions accepted: 87 were accepted for work☐ Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): Average number of reviews per paper - 1,8.☐ Average number of reviews per paper: The total number of reviewers involved is 40 experts in this particular subject area.☐ Total number of reviewers involved: The total number of reviewers involved is 40 experts in this particular subject area.☐ Any additional info on review process: only applications, the authors of which had corrected the substantiated comments of the reviewers, were accepted; the articles that received a negative review from the reviewer were excluded from the conference materials.The conference materials submission control system is presented on the official conference website athttps://www.novsu.ru/dept/515278/i.454744/?id=1494174.Information about the “Mathematical Modeling, Programming and Applied Mathematics” conference is available at:http://www.mathnet.ru/php/conference.phtml?confid=1798&option_lang=eng;https://konferencii.ru/info/134038.☐ Contact person for queries: Dr. Oxana Fikhtner, Director of the Center for the Development of Publication Activity of NovSU (Oxana.Fikhtner@novsu.ru).

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