
All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.• Type of peer review: Single-blind• Describe criteria used by Reviewers when accepting/declining papers. Was there the opportunity to resubmit articles after revisions?: The criteria for reviewers consist of:1) Importance of the topic2) Sufficient originality and interest to merit publication3) General layout of the paper4) Clarity of expression5) Standard use of English6) Use of figures and tables7) Validity of arguments8) Sufficient, correct and appropriate procedures and methods9) Adequacy of references10) Overall impression.The authors have opportunity to resubmit the revision as many times as required by the reviewers.• Conference submission management system: indico.cern.chAll the papers were submitted online through the conference site:https://spc2021.sci.psu.ac.th and https://indico.cern.ch/event/973315/• Number of submissions received: 99• Number of submissions sent for review: 99• Number of submissions accepted: 80• Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted/Number of Submissions Received X 100): 80.81%• Average number of reviews per paper: 4.27• Total number of reviewers involved: 86• Any additional info on review process: A plagiarism software was used to check for plagiarism. The similarity index must be less then 50% unless the submission gets rejected. Contact person for queries: Dr. Yongyut Laosiritaworn (Editor in Chief)Chiang Mai University, Thailandyongyut.laosiri@cmu.ac.thDr. Boonyarit Chatthong (Coeditor in Chief)Prince of Songkla Universityboonyarit.ch@psu.ac.th

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