
The pediatric population undergoes tracheostomy for a variety of reasons. For a child and their family, having a tracheostomy means learning a new way of life and facing several social, psychological, medical, and economic challenges.Our analysis of the literature indicates that this is the first study of its kind, using the Pediatric Tracheotomy Health Status Instrument (PTHSI) tool to assess the quality of life (QoL) following tracheostomy in pediatric patients and their caregivers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). This was a descriptive cross-sectional study for tracheostomized children's QoL evaluation. The medical records of the Maternity and Children Hospital, Dammam, KSA, were used to identify the patients and their caregivers. A higher score on the validated PTHSI indicated a better result. From a total of 56 patients, 24 were included in this study. Based on the PTHSI tool, the overall mean score was 93.3/150 (62.28%) and this indicated a good QoL score. Analysis of the correlation between the PTHSI score and other variables indicated no association between the total PTHSI score and the age or gender of the patient or the duration of the tracheostomy (p-value > 0.05). However, we found families of children with major medical comorbidities had lower scores (p-value = 0.03) and their QoL was affected much more than families of patients who did not have major medical comorbidities. Tracheostomy care for pediatric patients can significantly affect the QoL of patients and their families. Our findings using the validated PTHSI tool showed poorer QoL compared to other studies, suggesting the need for future home care training programs to support tracheostomized children and their families, particularly those with comorbidities, who tend to have lower QoL scores and require more organized support.

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