
The late glacial and the early Holocene sediments of the classic site Bølling Sø in Denmark are being reinvestigated by multi-proxy analyses. We present here the record of Pediastrum species and discuss the climate-mediated changes in the aquatic ecosystem, as reflected by aquatic proxies (e.g. aquatic plants and mosses, cladocerans, ostracods, bryozoan statoblasts), as well as a number of other proxies (organic content, biogenic silica, carbonates, terrestrial plant macrofossils). Climate had warmed to such an extent at c. 12,500 14C yrs BP that aquatic life could begin. Productivity was low and only very scarce indication of a warmer interval predating the Allerød chronozone was found. At the beginning of the Allerød chronozone climate ameliorated and productivity clearly increased. The cool climate of the Younger Dryas chronozone (YD) was more clearly reflected in the terrestrial ecosystem than in the aquatic ecosystem, where productivity appeared to remain rather high. The lake was very shallow and non-stratified during the YD, indicating low effective moisture. Probably it warmed throughout early in the open-water season and in that way enabled higher productivity, even if summer temperatures were rather low. It is also possible that the difference in July temperatures between the late part of the Allerød chronozone and the YD was not large in central Jutland. The amelioration of climate at the beginning of the Holocene is clearly reflected in all proxies. There is also evidence that the lake level rose. The lake probably remained alkaline during all of its history but some evidence suggests that pH was somewhat lowered during the YD chronozone. Pediastrum species appear to be relatively good indicators of environmental conditions; similarly, the concentrations may reflect productivity variations during changing climatic conditions.

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