
The article substantiates the pedagogical conditions and principles of formation of professional values of future technical specialists. Based on the analysis of existing systems of universal and professional values in general and value systems of specialists of various profiles, it is established that purposeful research of the system of professional values of future technical specialists is not given enough attention, although there is significant potential to improve their spiritual outlook. Pedagogical conditions are formulated as determining the content of the axiological component of professional training; providing motivation for the formation of professional values; development of an active professional position on the basis of the axiological component of professional training; development of a positive attitude to professional values as part of professional training; awareness of their own professional values. These conditions are based on such leading positions as the idea of integration of special and axiological components as a goal-setting factor in training; identification and consideration of factors influencing the formation of professional values due to the specifics of professional activity; continuity of formation of professional values as a gradual inclusion of professional values in the system of universal values of the individual, and each subsequent stage is a logical continuation of the previous one. An instrumental tool for the formation of professional values is an integrative approach at the methodological stage and a differentiated approach at the stage of building models and specifying the conceptual framework for a particular specialization. Relevant principles are highlighted: humanization (formation of professional values of the future technical specialist contributes to the formation and development of the humanistic paradigm of vocational education), acmeological (formation of professional values of the specialist can significantly improve the quality of training). values of the future technical specialist should be focused on the professional and practical needs of students, their interests and needs and serve as an effective means of improving the quality of training), integrated goal setting (special training and professional personality formation is an integral goal of professional education axiological component of training).

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