
Workers training of the health sector is one of the great challenges for the consolidation of Brazil’s Unified Health System. Due to this, theHealth Ministry instituted in 2004 the National Policy of Permanent Education in Health, structuring and defining technical and political guidelinesimplemented by Permanent Education Centers. This interinstitutional space congregates education organizations, managers and health professionals. Inthe present article the pedagogical actions approved and financed by the Permanent Education Center of Greater Sao Paulo in the period 2004-2005were characterized aiming to investigate the proposals for pedagogical evaluation presented by the involved institutions. The actions were categorizedregarding the type of executor institution, education modality, target public, type of evaluation adopted (diagnostic, summative, formative), the focusof the evaluation process (pupils, teachers, content, methodology), the specification of evaluation criteria and their relation with the actions’ generalobjective. Data analysis points out that the pedagogical evaluation process of the courses offered by the Center presented fragilities in the phases ofproposal, planning and execution. We therefore recommend that pedagogical evaluation subjects be discussed inside the Centers in order to characterizethe permanent education processes directed to Brazil’s Unified Health System professionals.

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