
The final result in team game sports does not reflect complete information of the strengths and weaknesses of the players. Therefore, the control of competitive activities in sports games will provide objective information for improving of team management. The purpose of the research is to establish the structure and dynamics of technical and tactical actions of highly skilled opposite hitters of women's Superleague of Ukraine in the process of competitive activity. Material and methods of research. The study was conducted during the competition period of the 2017-2018 season and provided for pedagogical observation and video shooting of the official games of the Ukrainian Volleyball Championship among women's Superleague teams. The study involved 9 highly qualified opposite hitters the masters of sports of Ukraine.Results and conclusions. The structure of the technical and tactical actions of opposite hitters in the process of competitive activity is consisted of large part of blocks (34,0±2,9 %) and spikes (28,1±2,0 %). Opposite hitters perform the spikes (42,3±4,5 %) and blocks (33,8±3,2 %) most effectively among all technical and tactical actions. The game of defense and passes are a "weak spot" of the opposite hitters, as the ratio of inefficient technical and tactical actions are 42,2±5,9 and 56,1±9,0 %, respectively. There is a gradual decrease in the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions by the opposite hitters during the game. Thus, the part of effective serves decreased from 19,8 % in the first set to 10,4 % in the fourth, effective defense actions – from 35,0 to 23,3 %, spikes – from 36,1 to 25,6 %, blocks – from 28,7 to 28,5 %. The analysis of the results allows to recommend in the training process of the opposite hitters to pay special attention to the implementation of the attack potential of serves, increase the effectiveness of the defense, expanding the stock of tactical combinations and game models, improving general and special endurance

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