
The article highlights the importance of the communicative component of the professional culture of the border guard officer, which is based on the fact that the profession of the border guard envisages a wide range of interpersonal contacts at different levels, primarily collective concerted actions of the border guards to prevent or terminate illegal actions at border guard areas. The significance of dialogical methods, first of all heuristic conversations, presentations, method of «brainstorming», «round table» method, «business game» method, practical group and individual exercises, discussion of video recordings, for forming of professional culture of future border guards, are revealed in details. The peculiarities of the use of dialogical methods in the system of forming the professional culture of the future border guards, especially during the teaching the educational discipline «Ukrainian for Professional Purposes» at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky. The subject of special attention in the article is the disclosure of the peculiarities of cadets studying the rules of conversation with citizens who cross the state border at the checkpoints, the specifics of the official communication of the border guard inspector as an element of his professional culture. It has been determined that dialogical methods are important for shaping the professional culture of the future border guards and for optimizing their interpersonal relationships. They allow you to teach the cadets the rules, values and norms of the professional cultural interaction between classmates, the features of professional interaction at the checkpoints. The use of dialogue methods helps to form the skills of the cadets freely, communicatively justified to use linguistic means in different forms, spheres and genres of speech, that is, to provide an appropriate level of communicative component of their professional culture.

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