
The article emphasizes the need to improve existing and find new means of national and patriotic education of youth. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the formation of patriotic ideals of students of agricultural institutions of professional pre-higher education. For the effective implementation of the set goal, theoretical (analysis and synthesis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the studied problem, comparison and systematization, generalization of different views) and empirical (expert assessment) methods of scientific and pedagogical research were used. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific works of modern researchers, the content of the concept of «pedagogical conditions for the formation of patriotic ideals of students of professional pre-higher education» is clarified, which should be understood as a set of specially reasoned and organized circumstances and directions of pedagogical activity, which collectively ensure the success of solving the tasks and effectiveness of the process of formation of students' patriotic ideals. Using the method of expert evaluation, the following pedagogical conditions were identified: formation of sustainable motivation of future farmers for self-education of national and patriotic qualities and values; formation of the readiness of mentors of academic groups of agricultural institutions of professional pre-higher education for patriotic education; using the educational potential of social and humanitarian disciplines in the formation of patriotic ideals of agricultural students; ensuring the activity of students in the process of organizing and conducting extracurricular activities of a patriotic nature. Theoretical substantiation of the identified pedagogical conditions was carried out.

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