
Introduction: continuous development of information technologies creates completely new tasks and principles of work for higher educational institutions: not just quality education in the narrow framework of the future profession, but also training the student with a whole range of professional skills that enable him to start his duties in the working environment as quickly and efficiently as possible. New, higher requirements for the preparation of students in the field of information technology are being put forward. In connection with this, the problems of studying the process of forming analytical skills in students of information-oriented areas of training, developing tools, mechanisms, technologies, approaches to their formation in the process of professional training of students in the university become urgent. The purpose of the article is to identify the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful formation of analytical skills in future IT professionals in higher education. Materials and methods: to implement the goal and solve the tasks posed, the following research methods were used: the study and analysis of pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature on the problem of work; classification; analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, modeling. Results : it is substantiated that the necessary and sufficient pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of analytical skills in future specialists in the field of information technologies are: the use of developmental tasks reflecting the structure and content of analytical skills; orientation of independent work of students in the process of mastering information technologies for research activities; realization of the person-oriented interaction of teachers and students on the basis of the method of projects implemented with the use of information technology. The main components of the formation of analytical skills are motivational, cognitive, reflexive and creative. Discussion and Conclusions: analytical skills are professionally significant for specialists in the field of information technology, they allow solving the difficulties of professional activity and finding the best solutions to the tasks set. Realization of the revealed pedagogical conditions promotes the successful formation of analytical skills of future IT specialists in higher education

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