
The purpose of the article is to select, analyze and substantiate the approaches to the formation of English lexical competence in the professionally oriented writing of future IT specialists. Research methods used: content analysis − to identify and implement the selection of approaches that govern the process of formation of English lexical competence in a professionally oriented letter of future IT specialists; systematization − to identify the factors of the effectiveness of the process of formation of English lexical competence in a professionally oriented writing of future IT specialists; functional analysis − to substantiate the approaches ensuring the process of formation of English lexical competence in the professionally oriented writing of future IT specialists; generalization − to formulate conclusions on the rationale for effective approaches that underlie the formation of future English IT vocabulary lexical competence in a professionally oriented writing. The approaches to building English lexical competence of IT specialists’ professionally oriented writing have been chosen, analyzed and substantiated. Competence-based approach provides the process of complex building English lexical competence of IT specialists’ in professionally oriented writing. English lexical competence of IT specialists has been considered as their integrated quality that implies building their complex knowledge, skills and abilities to use the vocabulary of the English language in the process of professionally oriented English communication in the IT field. In its turn, communicative competence of IT specialists in writing – as their ability to realize communication in writing in the IT field in situations of professionally oriented written communication in accordance with the communicative task. On the basis of these definitions it has been defined that English lexical competence of IT specialists’ professionally oriented writing is an integrated quality of these specialists that allows them to use a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of English vocabulary in writing while producing writing products in accordance with communicative assignments in the situations of professionally oriented written communication in the IT sphere. Communicative and cognitive approach ensures building an ability to accomplish meaningful choice and usage of lexical units in the process of professionally oriented written communication. Socio-cognitive approach accounts for biological and cognitive students’ bias to study English as a foreign language. Personality-oriented approach is targeted to reveal students’ subjectivity while mastering English lexical knowledge and skills and producing English professionally oriented written product. Integrated approach envisages integration of all components of the process of building in prospective IT specialists English lexical competence in professionally oriented written communication.


  • implement the selection of approaches that govern the process of formation of English lexical competence

  • systematization − to identify the factors of the effectiveness of the process

  • functional analysis − to substantiate the approaches ensuring the process of formation of English lexical competence

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ПІДХОДИ ДО ФОРМУВАННЯ АНГЛОМОВНОЇ ЛЕКСИЧНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ В ПРОФЕСІЙНО ОРІЄНТОВАНОМУ ПИСЬМІ МАЙБУТНІХ ІТ-ФАХІВЦІВ Проаналізовано й обґрунтовано підходи до формування англомовної лексичної компетентності в професійно орієнтованому письмі майбутніх ІТ-фахівців, а саме: компетентнісний, комунікативно-когнітивний, комунікативно-діяльнісний, соціокогнітивний, особистісно орієнтований та інтегрований.

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