
Relevance. In the context of an increasingly dynamic and interconnected world, the integration of geodesy into STEM education has emerged as a crucial domain for nurturing a comprehensive understanding of Earth�s intricate spatial dynamics. Purpose. The purpose of this research is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of pedagogical approaches in modern geodesy and to investigate the process of integrating advanced land surveying methods into the educational structure of Kosovo. Methodology. The study utilizes content analysis, functional and historical approaches, induction, and comparative analysis to examine Kosovo's higher geodesical education, focusing on the University of Prishtina's Geodesy Department from 2003 to 2023. Results. This study highlighted the significance of cultivating a robust geospatial skill set among students to address pressing global challenges and promote sustainable development. This research highlighted the key role of innovative learning strategies and experimental learning methods in improving the landscape of geodesy education. This paper offered a blueprint for designing an inclusive and dynamic curriculum that fostered a profound understanding of geospatial concepts while fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and critical thinking. Conclusions. The research presents the changes in the Department of Geodesy over the years, both in terms of study program accreditation and curriculum adjustments to align with labor market needs. It also highlights the department's participation in European Union projects, which has significantly elevated the quality of education. Keywords: accreditation; curriculum; study program; European projects; students

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