
The possibilities of man to turn natural resources into sources of profit have led the legislator and the right, in general, to resort to much tougher regulations in the field of environmental protection, this could not be possible without knowing precisely the nature of the legal relationship that would lay the basis for subsequent regulations, and in the doctrinal plan it and today suffers from numerous criticisms, debates and controversies. However, one thing is for certain, the relationship of the environment is one of the particular, double-side, where, on the one hand, it regulates the relations between people are established on the occasion of the use, protection, conservation and development, environmental factors, and by the other hand, it requires the modeling of the principles of the other areas of the law with which they come in contact with, and this is asked for a better connectivity and efficiency in the plan for the defense of the values of the environment, the most valuable in the world is on the verge of collapse, natural. In this sense, the realities of today show that the twentieth century is the time of the greatest discoveries and transformations of civilization, but also the most complex and sometimes unintended effects on life. Not long ago, renewable natural resources of the Earth, would be sufficient for the needs of humanity, but for now, as a result of the population explosion, and the unprecedented development of all areas of the business, the demand for raw materials and energy for the production of goods has increased greatly, and the intensive exploitation of natural resources show more obviously, an ecological imbalance. In the context of large-scale changes that can jeopardize the quality of the environment, it is necessary to consider the intentions underlying the exploitation of environmental resources, emerging from the alarming situation that can no longer be tolerated, risking the survival and existence of the human species.

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