
Superconductivity states in a metal with existing spiral magnetic structure is studied. s-d exchange interaction of the conduction electrons with localized spins forming the magnetic ordering is treated in the framework of the strong coupling theory of superconductivity. Two separate factors are taken into account which influence the possibility of coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic ordering: electron-magnon interaction, as well as a modification of the electron spectrum due to its interaction with the static magnetic structure. The gap function is a 2 × 2 matrix with respect to the band indexes of hybridized electron states with up and down spins. The linearized Eliasberg's type equations for diagonal and off-diagonal elements are separated. Off-diagonal and diagonal elements correspond to quasisinglet and quasitriplet pairings respectively. As a direct consequence of violation of the time reversal invariance due to magnetic ordering, the diagonal gap function does not have a definite parity with respect to frequency. For this situation a moment method is developed for a calculation of the superconducting transition temperature in the limit of weak s-d-exchange coupling.

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