
Due to a drastic transition to a remote form of organization of the educational process, the demand for Internet products aimed at education has increased. Based on this, online services offer newer platforms and resources for online learning and foreign language studying in particular. In order to ensure the appropriate quality of the educational process, a modern teacher must be free to operate the tools of smart technologies. The purpose of this article is to reveal the concept of online education and study the features of the use of elements of this format of education in the training of English teachers. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: analysis of the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the research issue, synthesis, and generalization. The article offers an overview of the latest online educational platforms and applications for learning foreign languages with the possibility of integration into vocational training courses for students of higher education institutions in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English)). The paper pays special attention to the use of Internet resources that promote the development of critical thinking, speaking skills, skills of organizing autonomous learning, and the ability of users to assess themselves and monitor their learning progress. The benefits of using online education in the training of future English teachers were identified. We can state that the variety of online resources and platforms for learning foreign languages provides teachers with effective tools for the development of students’ mastery of the material under the study.
 Keywords: Internet education; innovative educational technologies; British Council; the English language; online learning; educational platforms; teacher training; English language teacher; distance learning.

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