
The results of comparative study of current increment of vegetative sphere yearling and biennial of plants of a half-highbush blueberry Northland and Denise Blue at fertilizer application NPK-compound (N16P16K16) and of some microbial specimen – a liquid product of MaKloR in concentration of 10 and 50 % in test crop on recultivated cutover peatlands in article are resulted. It is positioned that tested agricultural methods have rendered the expressed promoting effect on formation of a current increment of vegetative sphere of plants of a blueberry. In the first year of fertilization the least efficacy is positioned for a variant with N16P16K16 which conceded to a drug of MaKloR in 1.1–1.5 times. Its productivity increased with concentration augmentation in 1.2–1.4 times, depending on a varietal accessory of plants and phylum of shoots. In the absence of varietal differences in degree of positive influence of microbial fertilizing of MaKloR on development of vegetative propagules, efficacy of its action, as well as N16P16K16, on development of generative propagules, in variety Denise Blue exceeded for kind Northland in 4.2–4.8 times.Positive influence of mineral and microbial fertilizing’s on a current increment of vegetative sphere of biennial plants of both variety of a blueberry essentially conceded to that annotinous, against conservation of its progressing magnification in process of strengthening of microbial fertilising of MaKloR. Thus productivity of action N16P16K16 on development of propagules in variety Northland, depending on their phylum, exceeded that microbial fertilising of MaKloR in 1.2–1.9 times, at variety Denise Blue – in 1.3–2.6 times. It is shown that against absence of the expressed varietal distinctions in degree of stimulating influence of fertilizings on development of vegetative shoots, efficacy of their action on development of generative shoots, unlike annual plants, at kind Denise Blue conceded that for kind Northland in 1.7–2.3 times.


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При отсутствии сортовых различий в степени позитивного влияния микробного удобрения МаКлоР на развитие вегетативных побегов эффективность его действия, как и N16P16K16, на развитие генеративных побегов у сорта Denise Blue превышала таковую у сорта Northland в 4,2–4,8 раза. Позитивное влияние минеральных и микробных удобрений на текущий прирост вегетативных органов двулет­ них растений обоих сортов голубики существенно уступало таковому однолетних на фоне сохранения его прогрес­ сирующего усиления по мере увеличения концентрации микробного удобрения МаКлоР. При этом результативность действия N16P16K16 на развитие побегов у сорта Northland, в зависимости от их типа, превышала таковую микробного удобрения МаКлоР в 1,2–1,9 раза, у сорта Denise Blue – в 1,3–2,6 раза. Что на фоне отсутствия выраженных сортовых различий в степени стимулирующего влияния удобрений на развитие вегетативных побегов эффективность их действия на развитие генеративных побегов, в отличие от однолетних растений, у сорта Denise Blue уступала таковой у сорта Northland в 1,7–2,3 раза.

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