
The primary task of modernizing and reforming the education system in Ukraine is the preservation of the values of childhood, the need for humanization of education, the personal approach, the development of abilities of students, which together provide psychological comfort and promote the creativity of children. Today, the priority is to create a system of sociopolitical and universal human values - moral and ethical, such as: justice, care, respect for life, respect for oneself and other people, dignity and sense of honor in particular.In this work the author substantiates the urgency of the problem of forming a sense of honor among junior pupils; reveals features of junior school age as the most sensitive period of personal and moral development of schoolchildren, which provides the basis for ethical knowledge, beliefs and a number of other necessary prerequisites for the subsequent development of the spiritual potential of man. In the specified age there is the ability to analyze the criteria for children’s moral assessments, the ability to compare and correlate them. Needs, age interests, moral self-esteem, aspiration for the self-affirmation of their “I” generally serve as the internal force that determines the behavior of the junior pupils and their moral development.Investigating the problem of forming a sense of honor in junior schoolchildren the author argues that the personal and moral development of the personality of the junior pupil is defined as a spontaneous and organized process based on conscious perceptions of life experiences and own experience of relationships associated with the child’s implementation of moral norms, the development of moral self-awareness and self-esteem, manifestation of moral reflection and the formation of moral feelings. Honor as a personality property is precisely the quality that underlies the concept of the formation of a moral personality of a modern junior student.According to the author, the main factors that determine and promote the development of this moral feeling at the junior school age may be: the formation of adequate self-esteem, unconditional self-acceptance, moral self-regulation of their own actions. This is confirmed by the psychological age features and neoplasms of the younger schoolchildren, which are becoming deeper and more stable at the end of the junior school age. Consequently, the sense of honor of a younger student is defined as a moral feeling experienced by children as an emotional and valuable attitude towards oneself and others.

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