
The article analyzes the main theoretical approaches to the study of the phenomenon of employment in general and a separate category of workers - youth. The legal framework for regulating employment relations has been studied. The positive characteristics of current legal norms, mostly created on the basis of international legal standards, primarily those adopted by the ILO, are revealed. The allocation of a separate chapter XIII "Youth work" in the Labor Code of Labor and Employment once again demonstrates that minors, young specialists and other categories covered by this age limit are defined as those that require special, favorable conditions for labor activity, in particular at the stage of its initiation - employment. The article analyzes the concepts of "young specialist" and "young worker", reveals their interpretation in such normative and legal acts as the Labor Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Employment of the Population", the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles of Youth Policy". Emphasis is placed on the inconsistency of fundamental concepts, on conflicts of legislation. From this study, the author concludes that the concepts of "young specialist", "young worker" and "able-to-work youth", although close in meaning, are not identical. In the special literature, another related category is also used and disclosed - a young worker, a proposal is made to establish the term at the legislative level as "a graduate of vocational and technical educational institutions (regardless of the form of ownership), who has been assigned the qualification of a skilled worker, the need for which has been declared by enterprises , institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, or an individual, and who are employed on the basis of referral to work."
 The article notes the important role of employment centers in the process of youth employment. With their participation, young people can receive free information and consulting services in professional direction to simplify the choice of the future field of activity, profession, place of work. In addition, among social services, employment centers provide the opportunity for the unemployed to undergo professional training and retraining, if the need arises.

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