
Objective of the study was to examine the performance of breath-holding and Ruffier tests, relationship between them and other factors in healthy school age children.Material and methods. The cross-sectional descriptive study with 45 healthy participants in age 7-13 years (22 boys and 23 girls) was performed. The study included assessment of nutrition, physical activity habits, family and socioeconomic data, resting anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, pulse oximetry, tests for the functional status of the cardiorespiratory system and readiness of child organism for physical loading (Ruffier and volitional breath-holding hypoxic tests). Results. The Rufier index in most children was average and amounted to 8.75±0.32 units. Test with breath-holding on inspiration was at the level of 37.0±1.84 sec, on exhalation - 22.2±1.3 sec. In children with low tolerance to exercise during respiratory tests execution there were a decrease in blood saturation and changes in heart rate. The tests are based on different physiological processes in the human body that create physical load tolerance: heart tolerance and cardiorespiratory oxygen supply to tissues.Conclusions. All selected tests could be executed anywhere and in a short period of time. They are easy to perform and do not cause emotional reactions in children and could be used for tolerance for physical loading assessment. The results obtained are complementary and can be recommended for use in the complex when examining the health and tolerance for physical loading in children during different screening types.


  • Objective of the study was to examine the performance of breath-holding and Ruffier tests, relationship between them and other factors in healthy schoolage children

  • In children with low tolerance to exercise during respiratory tests execution there were a decrease in blood saturation and changes in heart rate

  • The study includes an assessment of nutrition, physical activity habits, family and socioeconomic data, resting anthropometric and blood pressure (BP) measurements, pulse oximetry, tests for the functional status of the cardiorespiratory system, and readiness of child organism for physical loading (Ruffier and volitional breath-holding hypoxic tests (VBHT) tests)

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Objective of the study was to examine the performance of breath-holding and Ruffier tests, relationship between them and other factors in healthy schoolage children. All selected tests could be executed anywhere and in a short period of time They are easy to perform and do not cause emotional reactions in children and could be used for tolerance for physical loading assessment. Дослідження включало оцінку харчування, фізичної активності, сімейних та соціально-економічних даних, антропометричних вимірів та артеріального тиску, пульсоксиметрію, тести на функціональний стан серцево-дихальної системи та готовність дитячого організму до фізичного навантаження (Руф’є та гіпоксичні тести із затримкою дихання). Отримані результати доповнюють один одного і можуть бути рекомендовані до використання в комплексі при вивченні стану здоров’я та толерантності до фізичного навантаження у дітей під час різних видів скринінгу. Полученные результаты дополняют друг друга и могут быть рекомендованы к использованию в комплексе при изучении состояния здоровья и толерантности к физической нагрузке у детей во время различных видов скрининга. Recent researches indicate that moderate-to-vigorous physical activity improve general health but the cognitive functions of memory, executive function, processing speed, attention, and academic performance for these children [3, 4]

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