
The logistics of humanitarian cargo under martial law is definitely new for Ukraine. As a result, many business representatives rallied in a single cluster with the aim of organizing the supply of humanitarian aid in extremely difficult conditions. At the same time, logisticians have faced many significant problems and challenges, which has caused an increase in attention to humanitarian logistics. The military aggression of the Russian Federation created a large number of humanitarian threats, in particular ecocide. The scale of the destruction exceeded the worst forecasts of world experts. An important factor in the organization of humanitarian supply chain management processes in the conditions of this war is the high threat to people's lives. Due to the fact that air transport is not possible for obvious reasons, all deliveries are long and at high risk of disruption or physical destruction. Therefore, it is critically important to analyze the peculiarities of the organization of humanitarian supply chains, the main problems and challenges that logistics companies of Ukraine had to face in the conditions of martial law. It is important to perform such an analysis in order to take into account the specifics of the structure of the logistics system of humanitarian aid delivery, as well as the efficiency of its key elements. The search for solutions to establish a regular supply of humanitarian aid to Ukrainians in difficult war conditions requires a thorough analysis not only of supply channels, but also of possible threats to their organization.

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