
Abstract. The article suggests a comprehensive study of the problem of implementing modern methods of students’ foreign language communicative competence development in foreign language classes. It is proven that at the current stage, the emphasis in education is shifting towards the need to form a system of professional competences in the future specialists, which will help them to perform their professional duties efficiently. The authors consider foreign language communicative competence as an integrative personality formation, which has a complex structure and acts as an interaction and interpenetration of linguistic, sociocultural and communicative competencies.
 It is emphasized that forming foreign language communicative competence for future specialists at the current stage of world community development should be considered as a mandatory component of general professional training. It is stressed out that to ensure the effectiveness of the process of foreign language communicative competence development, it is necessary to apply new methodological approaches and determine the pedagogical conditions for their implementation.
 The authors characterize the structure of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-language specialties. In the context of foreign language learning for students of higher education institutions, the concepts of “general competency” and “communicative competency” are distinguished and their components are analysed.
 It is demonstrated that for the effective development of foreign language communicative competence, a foreign language teacher must use the latest teaching methods that combine communicative and cognitive goals. The article also proves the need to take into account the specifics of professional interests within the specialty, i.e., specialized content (special terminology, typical communication situations and genre specifics of professional language), contextual language study of grammatical phenomena, focusing attention on practical language use, etc.

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