
ABSTRACT Peatlands are widely recognised for their rich biodiversity and their role as carbon stores. They are equally special in terms of their cultural and heritage significance; as historic landscapes, for preserving archaeological remains and palaeoecological records, and for their intangible cultural connections. In 2018 the UK Government published its 25 Year Environment Plan, a key component of which has been the development of the England Peat Action Plan by Defra. This paper outlines some of Historic England and Natural England’s most-recent collaborative work on peatlands and the historic environment. This ultimately resulted in its representation within England’s wider peatland strategy and policy – the first of the UK nations to do so. This paper discusses the authors’ work carried out between 2017 and 2022, highlighting the challenges, opportunities and experiences of cross-sector, multi-agency working. It introduces the documents and guidance, produced jointly, to support the work and schemes ‘on the ground’.

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