
Objective: To understand the possibility of rural development that interrelates the principles of good living and the practice of agroecology to rural development. Theoretical reference: The Good Living and its perspective of building a society that comprises a balanced and respectful coexistence with nature; agroecology as an alternative for survival in the rural environment and rural development that brings with it many demands and the need to (re)know the plurality of rural peoples. Methodology: Exploratory bibliographic research with content analysis that aims to understand and explain how the peasant way of life interrelates the theory of the Good Living with agroecological practices for rural development. Results and conclusion: We highlight the broadening of the debate on the subject addressed, in order to collaborate scientifically with the studies about the peasant and his life in the countryside. What is expected of rural development is that it promotes improvement in the lives of peasants, thus enabling them to remain in the countryside, with quality of life. Implication of research: By pursuing existing integration in the principles of living well with agroecology, research offers an innovative approach to sustainable rural development including the promotion of environmental conservation and the well-being of peasant communities. Originality: Lies in the interdisciplinary and innovative approach that seeks to integrate the principles of Good Living, with the practice of agroecology. This approach contributes to an evolving field of study, providing new perspectives in the search for solutions to the challenges faced by rural communities and contemporary agriculture.

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