
Abstract Treatments consisted of unreplicated 0.19-acre blocks. Materials were applied by airblast sprayer in 116 gpa. Alsystin and F4999 were applied on 22 Apr (green tip), 26 Apr (tight cluster), 2 May (white bud), 9 May (petal fall = PF), 24 May, 7 Jun, 24 Jun, 8 Jul, 22 Jul, 7 Aug and 21 Aug. Mitac was applied on 9 May (PF), 8 Jul, 7 Aug and 21 Aug. All other materials were applied on 9 May, 24 May, 7 Jun, 24 Jun, 8 Jul, 22 Jul, 7 Aug and 21 Aug. On each sample date 50 leaves were randomly sampled from each of 4 centrally located trees in each block. A subsample of 25 leaves were examined for psylla nymphs using a stereo microscope. All 50 leaves were then brushed in a mite brushing machine and numbers of RM recorded for 8 sections. For broad spectrum pests 50 fruit were sampled from the 4 sample trees and examined for insect damage. Damages were categorized by their respective pest.

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