
Abstract Treatments were applied to 5-year-old Harmony and Candor trees using a handgun on a Bean 35 gal/min hydraulic sprayer operating at 400 psi. Treatments were in a randomized block design with 6 rep/treatment. Treatment sprays were applied on 13 Apr, 10 May, 8 Jun and 25 Jun. In 1 treatment, Orthene 75S was used on the first 2 spray dates and Guthion 50W on the remaining dates. Funginex 18.2%EC (12 fl oz/lOOgal) was tank mixed with all treatments on all treatment dates except 10 May when Benlate 50 (4 oz/100 gal) and Captan 50W (1 lb/ 100 gal) were used. Green peach aphid populations were evaluated on 16 May and 31 May by counting all colonies on each replicate in a 2 min/tree timed count. Fruit samples were harvested on 8 Aug from the 4 harmony replicates. Fruit was inspected for damage by plum curculio, the leafroller complex (TABM & RBLR), Oriental fruit moth, pentatomids, and catfacing mirids.

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