
Abstract This experiment was conducted at the Rutgers Fruit Tree Research & Developmen Center, Cream Ridge, NJ, in a 10-year-old peach orchard, variety ‘Red Haven’. Single-tree plots, replicated 5 times in a randomized complete blocl design, were sprayed to runoff (ca 3 gal/tree, 300 gal/A) with a hydraulic sprayer equipped with a handgun and operated at 200 psi. Treatment were applied on Apr 23 (PF), May 14 (IC), May 28 (2C), Jun 10 (3C), and Jun 24 (4C). For disease control the entire orchard was sprayed with sulfur as needed. ERM estimates were made by randomly picking 25 leaves per replicate, brushing the mites onto glass plates and counting the number of mobile mites. Sampling methods for various insects in the table are as follows: OFMa = no. of OFM damaged terminals/tree (Is generation); OFMb = no. of OFM damaged terminals/tree (2nd generation); OFMc = no. of OFM damaged fruit/tree (3rd generation, 100 frui evaluated); PC = no. of PC damaged fruit/tree (100 fruit evaluated); TPB = no. of TPB damaged fruit/tree (100 fruit evaluated). Mite-days wen calculated as follows: MD = MD1 + [(M1 + M2)/2 × Y], where MD1 = mite days already accumulated, M1 = avg ERM/leaf on a given counting date, M2 = avg ERM/leaf on the next counting date after M1 and Y = number of days between M1 and M2. Data were transformed to × + 1 o arcsin (x) prior to analysis of variance and comparison of means. In tables numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different a alpha = 0.05, DMRT.

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