
This report presents the organisation of PBL (Project Based Learning) for a subject included in the IT engineering degree course. It is the result of 10 years of experience of the implantation and continuous improvement of the PBL class structure. The latest innovations include the experience of part-time monitoring with PBL groups using the OpenMeetings tool in Moodle 2.0 , the adoption of activities that improve learning and interdependence such as the jigsaw classroom, the clear definition of deliverables that students should present along the semester and the assessment criteria, both on groups and individuals. As a result of this experience, we present PBL student enrolment indexes, student assessment surveys and lecturers’ opinions. We conclude with some topics for discussion about the PBL methodology.


  • In the last 25 years, informaton technologies, Internet and mobile devices, among others, have revolutonised teaching methodologies in every feld, and especially at universites

  • One of the methodologies designed to respond to these changes is PBL (Problem or Project Based Learning)

  • We wish to detail the progress made in recent academic years (2010-11 and 2013-14) regarding each of the three aforementoned conclusions: defniton of project deliverables, use of OpenMeetngs to hold online PBL group meetngs and beter defniton of the assessment criteria

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In the last 25 years, informaton technologies, Internet and mobile devices, among others, have revolutonised teaching methodologies in every feld, and especially at universites. MOOC’s (Massive Open On Line Courses) are startng to ofer informaton on the web that can be acquired whenever the students likes, during lecture hours, meaning they can decide when and how to learn, confguring the 2.0 student In their job ofers, companies are mainly demanding transversal skills and apttudes (initatve, teamwork, leadership, etc.) rather than specifc knowledge (which they require), given that the later can be provided within the company. The above is motvatng and compelling universites to reassess their teaching methodologies in order to adapt to these changes, scheduling fewer lectures and more actvites that foster skills and attudes This is a new motvaton for lecturers, as they do not have to repeat the same material over and over again each year.

Online tutorials and PBL Meetng Rooms
Student assessment
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