
A new oxychloride Pb5Fe3TiO11Cl has been synthesized using the solid state method. Its crystal and magnetic structure was investigated in the 1.5–550K temperature range using electron diffraction, high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy, atomic resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, neutron and X-ray powder diffraction. At room temperature Pb5Fe3TiO11Cl crystallizes in the P4/mmm space group with the unit cell parameters a=3.91803(3)Å and c=19.3345(2)Å. Pb5Fe3TiO11Cl is a new n=4 member of the oxychloride perovskite-based homologous series An+1BnO3n−1Cl. The structure is built of truncated Pb3Fe3TiO11 quadruple perovskite blocks separated by CsCl-type Pb2Cl slabs. The perovskite blocks consist of two layers of (Fe,Ti)O6 octahedra sandwiched between two layers of (Fe,Ti)O5 square pyramids. The Ti4+ cations are preferentially located in the octahedral layers, however, the presence of a noticeable amount of Ti4+ in a five-fold coordination environment has been undoubtedly proven using neutron powder diffraction and atomic resolution compositional mapping. Pb5Fe3TiO11Cl is antiferromagnetically ordered below 450(10)K. The ordered Fe magnetic moments at 1.5K are 4.06(4)μB and 3.86(5)μB on the octahedral and square-pyramidal sites, respectively.

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