
Islam provides several economic concepts that provide quality and mutual prosperity. Likewise, the sharia pawnshop system which we will know as Rahn in Islam. Rahn itself is defined as a loan transaction with the concept of a person who provides a loan that occurs on both sides, namely Rahin (the lender) and also the person who borrows money. In fact, in this context, the objective is to create mutual trust and security for one another, given that the object being pawned is a form of precaution if it is unable to pay off the debt. In this case, we will review the law of Rahn carefully in the 4 schools of thought. Thus, it is certainly in line with one of the scholars of fuqaha’. In practice, there are differences between conventional pawns and sharia pawns. This is because in the shari'ah pawn there is no interest. In this paper, we will discuss how the Rahn dimensions of the 4 schools of thought are related to the application of the concept in Indonesian sharia pawnshops. This is managed to take a single benefit in the Rahn contract correctly in syara'.

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