Paul’s views on Jesus Many scholars distinguish between the nature of Jesus and his teachings as evident during His days on earth, and that of Christ after the resurrection. It is often assumed and argued that Paul’s views and argumentations were responsible for this distinction. If exegetical investigation is, however, taken as point of departure it seems as if this distinction is not justifiable. Although Paul specifically emphasises the importance of cross and resurrection, Jesus’ earthly existence is also regarded as important by him. Paul’s overall viewpoint reveals that he maintains an existing continuity between these two facets of Christ’s existence. The acknowledgement of the existence of the earthly Jesus qualifies the appropriation of the exalted Christ. Likewise, the surety of the exalted Christ is identified by the reality of the earthly Jesus. Based on this point of view Paul regards the words of Jesus as absolutely authoritative. Paul’s Christology implies nothing other than an interpretation of Jesus’ life and death in the light of the resurrected and everpresent Lord.
Talle navorsers onderskei tussen die aard van Jesus en sy leringe soos duidelik gedurende sy dae op aarde en dié van Christus soos na die opstanding
Hy staan egter krities teenoor ’n benadering om parallelle te trek tussen Paulus se uitsprake wat sou ooreenstem met dié van Jesus volgens die Sinoptiese Evangelies: These texts reflect pieces of anonymous early Christian paraenesis, which were introduced by the apostle in his letters to Christian communities and were ascribed to Jesus and transmitted as such elsewhere (Hollander, 2000:346)
Dit is daarom duidelik dat 2 Korintiërs 5:16 nie na die aardse Jesus verwys om daardeur aan te toon dat dit nie van betekenis is vir die geloof nie. ’n Mens kan nie uit hierdie vers die aantyging maak dat Paulus ’n dosetistiese beskouing van Jesus gehad het nie
Talle navorsers maak ’n skeiding tussen die “historiese Jesus” en die Christus van die geloof (vgl. Wilson, 1984:18). In aansluiting by die skynbare breuk tussen die historiese Jesus en die Christus van die geloof volgens Paulus, word dikwels opgemerk dat Paulus in die geheel van sy briewe minimaal na die aardse Jesus verwys (Dunn, 1998:184; Snyman, 1977:229; Wilson, 1984: 18). Die vraag kan egter gestel word of Paulus se verwysings na die aardse Jesus moontlik sou wees sonder ’n begrip van wie Jesus was en wat die aard en omvang van sy optrede en verkondiging was. In die lig hiervan word ondersoek watter betekenis die aardse lewe van Jesus vir die prediking van Paulus volgens die corpus Paulinum gehad het. Daarna volg ’n beoordeling van hierdie navorsing deur ’n aantal gedeeltes in die corpus Paulinum waar die aardse Jesus as sodanig aan die orde kom, eksegeties te ondersoek
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