
A n area which has traditionally received least attention by black scholars is the study of the varied instruments of social welfare. Without much question, the system of public welfare persists in being one of the major sources from which money (despite its meagerness) consistently flows into the various black ghettos across this nation. In addition, it has become identified as one of the major social institutions which destroys, undermines aspirations, and perpetuates a condition of dependence. Through the provision of inadequate, inappropriate, and mislocated services, it systematically destroys the ability of black users to become self-reliant and in large measure modifies the ability of people to work for change. Although the systems of social welfare are predicated on the theme of temporary usage and are considered to be usable in special conditional emergencies, because of the pervasiveness of racism, structured discrimination, and oppression, blacks who have sought survival through attachment to one or another system of welfare help have found that they become inextricably bound to these systems of subsistence.

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