
Cientista do comportamento com PhD em Psicologia pela University College London [1966], com interesse na contribuio do design da informao na comunicao com o pblico em geral, quer em organizaes pblicas ou comerciais. At 1968 trabalhou na Medical Research Council's Applied Psychology Unit em Cambridge, quando passou a ser coordenadora da School of Psychology na Universidade de Cardiff, onde a maior parte de suas pesquisas est voltada para informao na rea de sade e para documentos multimdia. Possui diversas publicaes, sendo membro de vrias revistas cientficas e de sociedades como: The British Psychological Society, The Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (GB) e membro honorrio da Society for Technical Communication (EUA) e da Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informao. Em 2005 recebeu o prmio Goldsmith Award for Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Communication pelo Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [ Download ]


  • After leaving University College London in 1966 with a PhD in Psychology, this interest took her to Cambridge, UK to work at the Medical Research Council‟s Applied Psychology Unit until 1998 when she moved to a Chair in the School of Psychology at Cardiff University, UK where much of her research has been concerned with health information and multimedia documents

  • The topics have ranged from personal IT aids for people with memory problems, to a web-based a decision explorer for men thinking about the PSA test for prostate cancer. When she explored interfaces to help people see how changes in their lifestyle could change their health risks, she found that older people differed from young men in the interface they preferred and most successfully used. This led to studies of the information design needs of other sections of the public such as people for whom English was not a first language and adults who considered themselves poor readers

  • When, where, how and why did your interest in information design emerge? Why did you choose it as your main research area?

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After leaving University College London in 1966 with a PhD in Psychology, this interest took her to Cambridge, UK to work at the Medical Research Council‟s Applied Psychology Unit until 1998 when she moved to a Chair in the School of Psychology at Cardiff University, UK where much of her research has been concerned with health information and multimedia documents. This research suggested that interface designs which offer people choices of how information is presented to them, can accommodate diversity more successfully than trying to find a single solution to fit everyone.

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