
ABSTRACTIdentification of the emergence of a nationality village in Patoman village needs tobe done, this is done because Patoman village has the potential of various types ofheterogeneous communities in terms of religion, culture or ethnicity. So it needs tobe traced and further studies need to be done on the identification of villages that areincluded in the elements of nationalism village. This becomes important and servesas a basis for reference to the grouping of villages that have an element of pluralismand will later be designated as a nationality village. On the other hand can be usedas a reference and input by local governments in providing policies regarding theexistence of a nationality village. Besides that, support from the local governmentrelated to the promotion of the potential / superiority of culture, ethnicity, villagesand regions in Banyuwangi is very intensively carried out, as evidenced by the manyfestivals that are held and scheduled every one year. This research is to identifyvillages that have the potential to become nationality villages in which there arevarious criteria or elements that have been fulfilled, one of which is the compositionof religion, culture, ethnicity and the form of tolerance that is maintained andsustainability, from the results of its study can be used as foothold for policy makers,especially the Banyuwangi local government and related ministries. This researchuses a qualitative approach with a case study design and uses a phenomenologicalperspective. The selection of respondents using snowball sampling, namely thevillage and district government in Blimbingsari, community leaders, religiousleaders, Banyuwangi National Mixing Forum and cultural figures. From the resultsof the research it can be seen that the tolerance value of patoman society and itsdiversity is very close and very good in community relations can be seen from theimplementation of mutual values and religious tolerance.Keywords: Identification, village, patoman nationality


  • Identifikasi munculnya desa kebangsaan di desa Patoman perlu dilakukan, hal ini dilakukan karena desa Patoman memiliki potensi berbagai jenis masyarakat yang heterogen dari segi agama, budaya maupun etnis

  • Identification of the emergence of a nationality village in Patoman village needs to be done, this is done because Patoman village has the potential of various types of heterogeneous communities in terms of religion, culture or ethnicity

  • It needs to be traced and further studies need to be done on the identification of villages that are included in the elements of nationalism village

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Nasionalisme sendiri mengandung makna “suatu sikap mental di mana loyalitas tertinggi dari individu adalah untuk negara-bangsa”; atau “sikap politik dan sosial dari kelompok-kelompok suatu bangsa yang mempunyai kesamaan kebudayaan, bahasa, dan wilayah, serta kesamaan cita- cita dan tujuan, dan dengan demikian merasakan adanya kesetiaan yang mendalam terhadap bangsa. Menurut Yudohusodo (1996:12) memberikan definisi tentang rasa kebangsaan adalah : Kesadaran berbangsa, yaitu kesadaran untuk bersatu sebagai suatu bangsa yang lahir secara alamiah karena sejarah, karena aspirasi perjuangan masa lampau, karena kebersamaan kepentingan, karena rasa senasib dan sepenanggungan dalam menghadapi masa lalu dan masa kini serta kesamaan pandangan, harapan dan tujuan dalam merumuskan cita-cita bangsa untuk waktu yang akan datang. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa hakikat rasa kebangsaan adalah kesadaran dari suatu bangsa untuk bersatu sebagai perekat yang mempersatukan dan memberikan dasar kepada jati diri sebagai bangsa.

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