
With regards to home care, primary care nurses should carry out their activities and performance with an emphasis on health education. Considering patient satisfaction in the relationship aspect of helping and communication can contribute to improving nursing care. This cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, whose aim is to assess the degree of patient satisfaction in relation to nursing care provided at home, particularly in the dimensions of relationships, communication and health education. To conduct this research an intentional non-probabilistic sample, consisting of 44 dependent patients, belonging to the area of a health centre in the central region of Portugal, who receive nursing care at home was selected. The data collection instrument used was a form, consisting of two parts: the first part to characterise the sample with 10 questions, one of which is subdivided and the second part consisting of 16 Likert type scale questions to obtain the patients’ opinions. From our results we stress that our sample had a very aged population, mostly residing in urban areas. Satisfaction was evaluated in three dimensions: relationships, communication and health education. With regard to relationships, older males (age range 88-98 years), who are more highly dependent, married, uneducated and living in rural districts are more satisfied. Regarding communication, older males (88-98 years), with a greater degree of dependency, bachelors, educated and living in urban parishes are most satisfied. As for the health education dimension, younger men (68-78 years), who are less dependent, married, educated and living in urban environments are more satisfied. The main conclusions inferred are that, in the overall assessment of all of the dimensions, the classification is very good, and it is suggested that organizational investments are made and to equip health centres with human and material resources.

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