
Despite its widespread availability and success in open cranial neurosurgery, image-guidance technology remains more limited in use in open spinal procedures, in large part, because of patient registration challenges. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of using intraoperative stereovision (iSV) for accurate, efficient, and robust patient registration in an open spinal fusion surgery. Geometrical surfaces of exposed vertebrae were first reconstructed from iSV. A classical multistart registration was then executed between point clouds generated from iSV and preoperative computed tomography images of the spine. With two pairs of feature points manually identified to facilitate the registration, an average registration accuracy of 1.43 mm in terms of surface-to-surface distance error was achieved in eight patient cases using a single iSV image pair sampling 2-3 vertebral segments. The iSV registration error was consistently smaller than the conventional landmark approach for every case (average of 2.02 mm with the same error metric). The large capture ranges (average of 23.8 mm in translation and 46.0° in rotation) found in the iSV patient registration suggest the technique may offer sufficient robustness for practical application in the operating room. Although some manual effort was still necessary, the manually-derived inputs for iSV registration only needed to be approximate as opposed to be precise and accurate for the manual efforts required in landmark registration. The total computational cost of the iSV registration was 1.5 min on average, significantly less than the typical ∼30 min required for the landmark approach. These findings support the clinical feasibility of iSV to offer accurate, efficient, and robust patient registration in open spinal surgery, and therefore, its potential to further increase the adoption of image guidance in this surgical specialty.

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