
Nocturnal enuresis in children is not a psychogenic disorder. It is caused by a hereditary delay in maturation of the somatic mechanisms (reduction of nocturnal urine production and a normal arousal to a full bladder) which prevent the child from wetting the bed. Traditionally, doctors treating bedwetting children have used an expectant attitude, because nocturnal enuresis has been looked upon as self-limiting and harmless. According to recent research this is not true. More than 5% of children and 0.5% of the adult population report nocturnal enuresis, meaning that 10% of enuretic children will remain bedwetters for life if left untreated, and nocturnal enuresis is perceived as a shameful condition, giving a significant impairment of self-esteem at an age when an intact self-image is extremely important for an optimal development of the child's personality. Treatment should be given when the enuretic child wants to sleep dry.

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