
Pathomorphological and morphohistochemical changes were performed in the intestine of carp at the location of cysts of Cariophyllaeus brachycollis and other organs that do not have direct contact, primarily such as liver, kidneys, spleen, heart. A pathological autopsy of intensively infected carp with C. brachicollis cystism showed a slightly enlarged clay-yellowish liver; the gallbladder is often overflowing with bile. The kidneys are in most cases flabby and surrounded by a jelly-like mass, the spleen is also partially enlarged, and its edges are rounded, indicating dystrophic changes in these organs. The results of morphohistochemical studies have shown that granular dystrophy is observed in carp cells during cariophilic invasion in liver parenchyma cells. The content of α-amino acids and acid phosphatase activity in dystrophically altered hepatocytes increases significantly. The content of CHIC-positive substances increases in and around the veins and sinusoidal capillaries. These processes coincide with the destruction of individual liver beams. At a karyophilosis in kidneys of carp expansion of distal departments of tortuous tubules and a granular dystrophy is observed. In addition, a decrease in the content of neutral glycoproteins, alkaline phosphatase activity with a simultaneous increase in protein and acid phosphatase activity is observed in the brush border of nephrocytes. The appearance of pyroninophilic cells, decrease in the content of CHIC-positive substances, decrease in alkaline activity and increase in acid phosphatase activity were detected in the renal corpuscle. In the endothelium of blood vessels and capillaries, an increase in protein content, a decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity and an increase in acid phosphatase activity were found. Morphohistochemical studies in the capsule of the carp spleen indicate an increase in such indicators as pyroninophilia, CHIC-positive reaction, the presence of α-amino acids, acid phosphatase activity and decreased alkaline phosphatase activity. At the same time in the walls of blood vessels, there is an increase in the CHIC reaction and α-amino acids, a decrease in alkaline phosphatase, and an increase in acid phosphatase activity. Around the vessels in the reticular tissue of the spleen and between the cells of the pancreas significantly increases the accumulation of reticulocytes with increased acid phosphatase, bright pyroninophilic lymphocytes, and hemosiderocytes with an enhanced CHIC response. Morphohistochemical studies of the heart of fish are accompanied by dilation and overflow of blood cavities and vessels of the heart, small hemorrhages, and locally – pyknosis of muscle cell nuclei and granular dystrophy in the myocardium. At the same time in the endocardium – an increase in the number of lymphocytes and plasma cells with high content of DNA and RNA, as well as a marked increase in α-amino acids in connective tissue elastic fibers and squamous epithelial cells of the atrial and ventricular epicardium, alkaline and acid phosphatase. The amount of CHIC-positive substances is reduced in the striated muscle cells of the myocardium and the walls of the blood vessels of the epicardium. Thus, morphological and histochemical studies indicate profound and local changes in karyophilosis in the intestines of carp. In organs that are not directly related to the invasive onset, moderate histopathological and histochemical changes are observed, indicating a moderate severity of functional impairment.


  • Pathomorphological and morphohistochemical changes were performed in the intestine of carp at the location of cysts of Cariophyllaeus brachycollis and other organs that do not have direct contact, primarily such as liver, kidneys, spleen, heart

  • The kidneys are in most cases flabby and surrounded by a jelly-like mass, the spleen is partially enlarged, and its edges are rounded, indicating dystrophic changes in these organs

  • The results of morphohistochemical studies have shown that granular dystrophy is observed in carp cells during cariophilic invasion in liver parenchyma cells

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Morphohistochemical studies in the capsule of the carp spleen indicate an increase in such indicators as pyroninophilia, CHIC-positive reaction, the presence of α-amino acids, acid phosphatase activity and decreased alkaline phosphatase activity. Проведено патоморфологічні та морфогістохімічні зміни в кишечнику коропа за місцем локалізації цистод Cariophyllaeus brachycollis та інших органах, які не мають прямого контакту, насамперед таких, як печінка, нирки, селезінка, серце. В нирковому тільці виявлено появу піронінофільних клітин, зменшення вмісту ШИК-позитивних речовин, зниження активності лужної та підвищення активності кислої фосфатази. Морфогістохімічні дослідження в капсулі селезінки коропа вказують на наростання таких показників, як піронінофілія, ШИК-позитивна реакція, наявність α-амінокислот, активність кислої фосфатази і зниження лужно-фосфатазної активності. Одночасно в стінках судин спостерігається підсилення ШИК-реакції, та α-амінокислот, зниження лужної фосфатази і наростання активності кислої фосфатази. Для цього вивчено патоморфологічні та гістохімічні зміни в кишечнику та органах коропа, які не мають безпосереднього зв’язку з каріофілідами

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