
Alterations in upper motor neuron excitability are one of the earliest phenomena clinically detected in ALS, and in 97 % of cases, the RNA/DNA binding protein, TDP-43, is mislocalised in upper and lower motor neurons. While these are two major pathological hallmarks in disease, our understanding of where disease pathology begins, and how it spreads through the corticomotor system, is incomplete. This project used a model where mislocalised TDP-43 was expressed in the motor cortex, to determine if localised cortical pathology could result in widespread corticomotor system degeneration. Mislocalised TDP-43 caused layer V excitatory neurons in the motor cortex to become hyperexcitable after 20 days of expression. Following cortical hyperexcitability, a spread of pathogenic changes through the corticomotor system was observed. By 30 days expression, there was a significant decrease in lower motor neuron number in the lumbar spinal cord. However, cell loss occurred selectively, with a significant loss in lumbar regions 1-3, and not lumbar regions 4-6. This regional vulnerability was associated with alterations in pre-synaptic excitatory and inhibitory proteins. Excitatory inputs (VGluT2) were increased in all lumbar regions, while inhibitory inputs (GAD65/67) were increased in lumbar regions 4-6 only. This data indicates that mislocalised TDP-43 in upper motor neurons can cause lower motor neuron degeneration. Furthermore, cortical pathology increased excitatory inputs to the spinal cord, to which local circuitry compensated with an upregulation of inhibition. These findings reveal how TDP-43 mediated pathology may spread through corticofugal tracts in ALS and identify a potential pathway for therapeutic intervention.

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