
COVID-19 is a new pandemic disease declared by the WHO as a global emergency and caused due to severe acute respiratory corona virus syndrome-2 (SARS-CoV-2). In India also, the grip of coronavirus is tightening day by day. The scientists worldwide are striving vigorously to ascertain the nuances in the etiology, spread, and pathogenesis of new COVID-19 disease and pragmatic utilization of this knowledge for the development of standard drugs as well as treatment protocols for its successful management. Ayurveda has laid emphasis on the Roga Parijnana in the context of Nidana Panchaka and Shatkriyakala in the management of any disease and it acts as a beacon especially in the case of novel diseases that surface from time to time. The present review study is to formulate the pathogenesis of COVID-19 in the light of Ayurveda through an integrated approach. The COVID-19 pandemic is considered as one type of Janapadodhwamsa. In Ayurveda, the microbial infection can be elucidated in the terms of Bhuta, Rakshasa, Graha, etc., having idiosyncratic manifestations. The coronavirus can be contemplated as distinct type of Bhuta affecting Pranavaha Srotasa and causing Bhutabhishangaja Jwara, which is one type of Agantuja Jwara. Later as the disease advances, it gets metamorphosed into Nija Vyadhi (endogenous form) exhibiting as different forms of Jwara depending on the extent of vitiation of Dosha along with extensive Pranavaha Srotodushtijanya Vikaras. The factors involved in pathophysiology of any disease mainly Nidana (etiology), Dosha, Dushya (Dhatu, Srotasa), and Agni are reciprocally interlinked with severity and stage of disease. It is crucial to recognize extent of vitiation of each of these factors in order to determine customized diagnosis and management for the patients of COVID-19. The integrative approach plays a vital role in meticulous comprehension of COVID-19 in terms of Ayurveda to recognize each stage for specific management.

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