
Unsupervised person re-identification (ReID) is a task that aims to retrieve pedestrians across different cameras from unlabeled data. Existing methods rely on clustering to generate pseudo-labels, but they are inevitably noisy. Although pseudo-label refinement approaches have been presented, the essentiality of patch contours is ignored. The tendency analysis of retrieval between global and patch features has not been well investigated. In this paper, we propose a Patch-based Tendency Camera Multi-Constraint Learning (PTCML) model for unsupervised person ReID. First, to explore the tendentious retrieval of global and patch features, we design Ranking Tendency Similarity (RTS) score by gauging the distribution discrepancy of distance changes. Second, based on RTS score, we propose a Tendency-based Mutual Complementation (TMC) loss to improve the quality of global and patch pseudo-labels. Third, to resist camera variations, we propose an Adaptive Camera Multi-Constraint (ACM) loss to optimize recognition results with camera distribution constraint and instance constraint simultaneously. Finally, numerous experiments on Market-1501 and MSMT17 demonstrate that our method can significantly surpass the state-of-the-art performance.

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