The passive has not received much attention in studying the verbal system of Latvian sub-dialects: it is rarely mentioned except in the context of the choice of auxiliary verbs. The basis of the classification of the passive used in the article is the semantics of the auxiliary verbs tikt and būt: passive constructions with tikt have the meaning of process (dynamic passive), passive constructions with būt – the meaning of result and state (static passive). The article aims to describe the dynamic and static passive constructions with the past passive participle and the features of their use based on the published and collected data of the Lower Kurzeme dialects of the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century. Sources of the research: manuscripts from the Latvian Dialect Atlas survey of 12 Lower Kurzeme sub-dialects, Kurzeme Institute of Humanities of Liepāja University and the Institute of Latvian Language of the University of Latvia collections of the 2nd half of the 20th century and the 21st-century texts from Lower Kurzeme. The study concludes that, in the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century, static passive constructions in the present or past dominate in the Lower Kurzeme sub-dialects texts. The static passive present is used both with the auxiliary verb (ir // i) and without the auxiliary verb, while the auxiliary verb in the past is manifested by the shortening of the 3rd person form (bija > bij > bi) characteristic of Lower Kurzeme sub-dialects. The passive of the direct object is the most frequent, and the order of its components varies depending on the speech situation and context; therefore, it is impossible to determine the dominant order of the components. The answers to the survey of the Latvian Dialect Atlas confirm that the dominant auxiliary verb of the dynamic passive in Lower Kurzeme in the middle of the 20th century is tikt, although the use of the auxiliary verbs tapt and nākt is not unknown in parts of the area. In the analysed texts from the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century, the use of the dynamic passive is rare: the present and past with the auxiliary verb tikt have been found, the auxiliary verb tapt has not been found, and only in a few cases nākt has been used. All the passive forms recorded in the passive paradigm of literary language are potentially possible in the sub-dialects of Lower Kurzeme; however, as in literary language, some are rarely used.
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