
The article defines the content of current views on business integration. The goal of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of formation integrated business structures, based on partner integration model of interaction. Integration is considered as an integrated structure or set of enterprises) functioning as a uniform system and have a common objective of management and are able to win and hold a considerable share of the market and thus provides the increasing of revenue and improvement financial stability of the structure. The role of integrated business structures based on the market principles of management in modern economic conditions in connection with implementation of public sector regulation is increasing. The question of determining the nature of integration interaction during formation of integrated business structures, taking into account current market realities, is considered. The integration processes increase the confidence among economic agents which take part in a one living space and share by relevant information. Partnership is defined as documentary issued cooperation of participants, which is formed for achievement of a common goal, by combining resources and efforts in the conditions of information openness, also it is a specific form of interaction can be created as one investment project and a prospect by conclusion of the partnership agreements, gradually forming a complete integration of the participants. Theoretical aspects of integrated business structures based on a partnership model of interaction and the relevance of the partnership as a specific form of business integration are proved. The levels of partnership are introduced. The first level - Partnership is a form of business organization registered more natural or legal persons, the second - a form of cooperation mostly legal entities, not enshrined in the statutes, but actually supported. Integration and partnership aren’t synonyms despite their relationship and interrelation of concepts. As a generalization of different views it is possible to claim that integration is a voluntary association of two or more earlier independent subjects of business by establishment between them the various types and forms relations for achievement of multiple goals by cooperation of each the united subjects.

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