
The concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn have been determined in the tissues and the cytosolic fraction of the common cockle, Cerastoderma edule, collected from sediments in the Tamar, Plym and Avon estuaries (South West, England). Metal concentrations in the tissues of C. edule from the Avon were lower than those from the Tamar and Plym, except for Cu in the digestive gland. Significant statistical relationships were only obtained between the total sedimentary metal concentrations and Cd in the body of C. edule and Cu in the digestive gland. The cytosolic fraction was extracted from each of the tissues and separated for protein analysis thereby allowing determination of the metal contents in high molecular weight (HMW) compounds, metallothionein-like proteins (MTLP) and very low molecular weight (VLMW) compounds. The digestive glands of C. edule from the Avon had relatively low concentrations of MTLP, whereas MTLP concentrations in the digestive gland of cockles from the Tamar and Plym were higher. The cytosolic fraction of C. edule had relatively low total Cd and Cu concentrations associated with MTLP, whereas Zn was preferentially associated with the HMW and the VLMW components. The results are relevant to metal distributions in C. edule and the role of cytosols in the management of metals by C. edule and other invertebrates.

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